Founded in 2017, Zen Educate is an online platform to connect supply teachers with openings in schools.
HappySignals develops an experience management platform that helps improve employee experience. The company helps businesses improve their internal services by shifting the focus to employee experience by measuring and analyzing employee happiness and productivity. The right balance between service costs, lost worktime, and satisfaction translates
总部 芬兰
规模 10-99人
Mintago is a fintech platform that offers financial wellbeing solutions for employees. They make it simple for employees to locate lost pension pots by providing financial planning tools, access to free financial advisers, and over 1,000 pieces of educational content. Mintago also assists businesses and employees in saving money through the HMRC
总部 美国
规模 10-99人
Flowers Software
We’re inspired by reinventing how companies organize themselves digitally. Our flexible solution automates routine tasks quickly and easily, so work gets done faster and people can focus on what they do best.
总部 德国