Huzzle is an early careers platform connecting students, societies, and employers. Starting out as a CRM for pre-professional student societies, Huzzle has evolved into the university career companion used by over 80k talents in the UK. Research shows that students involved in student initiatives are 3X more hireable, and are rated 18% morecareer-ready by employers. On Huzzle, companies can access these talents by co-hosting events with over 680 diverse student clubs, promoting their roles, and through personalised direct messaging campaigns.
myGwork is the business community for LGBT+ professionals, graduates, inclusive employers and anyone who believes in workplace equality.
They want to empower the LGBT+ community by offering their individual members a safe space where they can connect with inclusive employers, find jobs, mentors, professional events and news.myGwork is an AwardWinning Company. Its founders won the Attitude Award Young LGBT+ Entrepreneur of the Year and the organisation was listed in the Top 5 startup with Pride by Geek Times.
总部 伦敦
规模 1-9人
Developer of an employee scheduling platform designed to drive engagement and profit in the long haul. The company's platform facilitates the creation of shifts by the manager or employees, offers an intuitive calendar interface, helps to manually assign regular employees, and creates recurring shifts, enabling businesses to centralize all communications and information sharing regarding meetings.
总部 加拿大
规模 10-99人
Bubty is a platform for managing flexible workforces. The integrated solution automates and streamlines the entire freelancer management process, allowing businesses to increase agility while decreasing administrative work. Building internal talent pools, automating matching to open jobs, projects, and paying flexible workers.
总部 荷兰
规模 10-99人