RefAssured was founded by staffing industry serviceveterans for staffing agencies.
Shenzyn is a Marketplace for Diversity Growth, a 360-degree Career Building ecosystem.Shenzyn’s foundation is based on Diversity, Inclusivity, artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence. When artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence come together, more opportunities are created and facilitated with the right learning and experience.
总部 班加罗尔
规模 10-99人
Classet provides education administration programs that simplify the process of starting a career in the skilled trades-occupations.
总部 美国
规模 1-9人
Comeet is a cloud-based collaborative hiring platform that offers structured, streamlined workflows to help businesses make better hires more quickly. The system is built on a collaborative approach that includes the entire hiring team, not just the recruiters. They provide an elegantly simple, user-friendly design that is simple for businesses to deploy and customize for hiring teams to use with little to no training
总部 布鲁克林
规模 10-99人