Bayt.com is an online recruitment website for the Gulf and Middle East region. Bayt.com job seekers represent all career levels, industries, and nationalities.
Bayt.com works with thousands of companies, from small businesses to large multi-nationals to governmental entities, helping them to successfully attract and recruit qualified professionals
Bayt.com works with thousands of companies, from small businesses to large multi-nationals to governmental entities, helping them to successfully attract and recruit qualified professionals
Indeed is an employment-related metasearch engine for job listings, available in more than 50 countries and 28 languages, and covering 94% of global GDP. With more than 140 million monthly unique visitors, Indeed has double the traffic of the next leading job site. According to a recent study, Indeed is the #1 source of external hire for employers(SilkRoad, 2013).
Since 2004, Indeed has given job seekers free access to millions of jobs from thousands of company websites and job boards. As the leading pay for performance recruitment advertising network, Indeed drives millions of targeted applicants to jobs in every field and is the most cost-effective source of candidates for thousands of companies.
Founded by Paul Forster and Rony Kahan, Indeed has over 800 employees with offices in Austin, Dublin, London, San Mateo, New York and Stamford.
总部 美国
规模 5000人以上
Operator of recruitment and staffing company intended to help people to find a new job. The company provides crew, recruitment, and advertising services, thereby helping the recruiters and candidates by finding the candidate who, in addition to the right competence also fits into the work environment.
总部 法国
规模 5000人以上
总部 美国
规模 10-99人