Logical Commander
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Logical Commander is an Israeli company dedicated to programming, developing, integrating, and merging different technologies, advanced algorithms, multiple sensors, and data sources from structured and unstructured sources, providing detection, monitoring, risk management, and security solutions. They continually innovate cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of threats and prevent them through their solutions. Logical Commander Software developed several state of the art solutions for the private and public sector, 2 of the main solutions are: Risk HR and EmoRisk. Risk HR: allows any organization to deal immediately with any suspect of risk or any known risk, without turning this solution into a real economic impact consideration, so you will focus only on your organization health, reducing, preventing, monitoring and locating inside risks in real time. EmoRisk: It is the 1st and only solution, based on the detection of daily emotions of employees when entering and leaving their workplace, providing a daily and monthly report, in addition to highlighting daily alerts or significant changes in the emotions and feelings of employees, allowing Organizations identify the factors that generate high levels of risk in employees, avoiding negative effects such as mental health problems, accidents or occupational diseases. Logical Commander aims to generate massive savings in annual loss costs for our clients.


Logical Commander


Logical Commander








One of its kind SaaS platform to prevent and solve organizational risks related to human capital.

Logical Commander is an Israeli software company dedicated to program, develop, integrate, and merge different technologies, multiple sensors, and data sources. During processing, the merger is generated by implementing, developing, and relying on: Big Data, Advanced Algorithms, advanced data processing and analytics, Artificial intelligence, and Machine Learning.

There is no company that does not worry about dishonesty, fraud, robbery, espionage, money laundering, workplace theft, disclosure of secrets, psychosocial risk factors and more internal risks by its employees.

More than 74% of the companies deal with these problems regularly.

Logical Commander offers two solutions that enable organizations to detect and monitor these risks through voice evaluations with an immediate effect and without human intervention. These solutions enable organizations to reduce the risk-related costs and collateral costs by 98%.


Technological solution for detecting, monitoring and preventing internal risks in organizations.

Risks that are detecting:

Fraud Detection | Bribery and kickbacks | Extortion Cases | Leaks of confidential information | Robbery and stealing AML – Money Laundry | Union Labour Activism | use of illegal drugs | Gambling | Alcohol Consumption | Sexual Harassment | Company Loyalty | Personal, organizational and corporate risk detection | Child Labour | Detection of other criminal actions and attitudes such as organized crime, terrorism, sexual harassment, bribes, influence peddling, traffic | Detection of workers' sentiment and emotional status (daily solution for detection and monitoring of psychosocial risk factors) | and much more.

RISK HR focuses on:

Application of confidence control tests, measuring the integrity inclinations of the evaluated person through the emotions and voice stress together with cognitive factors.

Talent recruitment with cost reduction, time optimization, reduction of the turnover rate and higher productivity and efficiency.

Psychometrics (Intelligence, Values, personality, knowledge, performance, faculty of analysis, skills and more)

Orientation of the investigations before a specific event, where it is presumed that the personnel could be involved.

Decision making for the promotion of an official position.

Public and Private Companies.


Test - Periodic confidence tests conducted every 3-4 months.
Punctual risk detection (by need) according to the criteria: When in doubt, we will clarify your suspicion.
2. EmoRisk

EmoRisk is a unique solution in the world market that focuses on detecting, monitoring and preventing psychosocial risks by analyzing employee emotions at the time of entry and exit from the workplace.

EmoRisk detects, locates and monitors the following emotions:

Energy, Happiness, Anger, Stress, Excitement, Sadness, Mental load, Discomfort, Confidence, Extreme emotions, Dissatisfaction, Burnout, and Depression.

In short:

EmoRisk recognizes levels in the voice that are impossible to detect for humans. It analyzes over 150 parameters of voice emotions, stress and cognitive levels in real time to enable better decision making. It further lowers the risks and detects high impact events and crises that should be dealt with on priority.

Beyond a voice test for the detection of risks in human factors, Logical Commander provides a complete system for the detection, location, and monitoring of each case with a technological platform. This platform manages alerts that will help the organization to focus on high risk cases and take immediate measures to find solutions and prevent the risks from reaching a larger scale.



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